Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To take away and to share.

The so called financial crisis is widely used as a wonderful excuse to beg for money.
Long before the first signs of the crisis became noticeable, Russian car manufactures demanded government to increase the prohibitory duties for used and new automobiles and to forbid the import of the cars with the right steering wheel. Actually, One can hardly find a left-handed car to the east of the Urals mountains, not speaking of the cars, manufactured in Russia.
Every person, from small entrepreneur to a CEO of a huge giant like GM would never loose her chance to raise additional funds.
Most of the news, terrifying the society, used to stare at the ice-skating shows, are used as an excuse to do something unpopular. Shrink expenses at someone's other cost. Raise prices. Decrease quality. Ask for money.
Today I came over a post from Seth Godin, devoted to the question about the imaginary bankruptcy of the automobile producing companies in USA.
The main idea of the post is to let the private-jet-flying CEOs burn in hell of inevitable bankruptcy.
The author assumes that such a measure could lead to a healthy new car market in the US through appearing of the hundreds of small companies, fighting for their customer.

Despite the temptation to join Seth in his cry "hail to the renewal!", I'm a little bit afraid, that after the disappearing of these companies there won't be car producing industry in the United States of America any more.

It's not the worst, that might happen, but such a decision always has loud consequences, that's why I'm for saving the industry and the private jets!

After all it would be pretty interesting to know what would Seth said after lots of fired citizens would crowd the cities, robbing for food and beverages?